Next up live at:
Gigs from the past:
16-17 June 2017
Event: Subkultfestivalen 2017
Place: Trollhättan, Sweden
Tickets: buy tickets here
Also live on Stage:
► Project Pitchfork Official
► She Past Away
► S.P.O.C.K
► Red Mecca
► Rave The Reqviem
► Pretty Addicted
► Human Lynx
► Lizette Lizette
► Machinista
27 Sept 2014
Event: Bat Night
Place: Saturday, September 27at 9:00pm – 3:00am
Medusa Bar, Kornhamnstorg 61, 11127 Stockholm, Sweden
Entry: 100:- sek, Age: 18+
Also live on Stage: My Own Sorrow
26 April 2013
Dr. Arthur Krause give a very special aftershow gig at Deep supporting Dawn of Oblivion right after Fields of the Nephilim show at Babel 26 April, Malmö, Sweden. FACEBOOK EVENT HERE
26 Jan 2013
Solo gig at Nalen, Stockholm 26th Jan 2013. Tickets are very limited at www.nalen.se
Musicians from Robot Must Kill and Xorb will join Dr. Arthur Krause on stage at this very special show one time only.
Also live on stage:
Midnight Caine
Les Fleurs du Mal
2 Dec 2011
Other acts: The Mist of Avalon, Miosis, Midnight Caine
Event: Gothenburg Gothic Gathering -2011
Open: 20-02.00
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: ?
Door: 120 SEK
Tickets: release in Sept
25 Mar 2011
Other acts: The Damned, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Fuzzbox and more…
Event: Whitby Gothic Weekend – WGW Festival
Open: 20-02.00
Place: The Spa
City: Whitby (UK)
On stage: 22.00
Door: ?
Tickets: WGW
26 Mar 2011
Exlucive unplugged solo pub gig
Event: Whitby Gothic Weekend – WGW Festival
City: Whitby (UK)
On stage: 15.00
Door: Free
28 Dec 2010 – unplugged solo show
Other acts: Varannan Vatten
Event: Cose Den
Open: 20-01.00
Place: Landet
City: Stockholm (S)
On stage: 22.00
Door: 20 SEK
13 Nov 2010
Other acts: Ashes & Rain, Monument, Les Fleurs Du Mal
Event: Gothenburg Gothic Gathering -2010
Open: 20-02.00
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: ?
Door: 120 SEK
Tickets: release in Sept
14 May 2010
Other acts:Black friday STHLM, LES FLEURS DU MAL
Event: Black Celebration
Open: 21-03.00
City: Stockholm (S)
On stage: 23.00
Door: 100 SEK
31 Oct 2009
More acts: Malaise, Krakow Kasanovas, The Upper Classes, O-kult.
Event: Gothenburg Gothic Gathering -09
Open: 20-02.00
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: 22.00
Door: 120 SEK
Tickets: released now
29 Nov 2008
More acts: Ladomir, Cheshire Cat, Coph Nia, DJ’s JH & MINA, DJ FREEBORN
Event: Gothenburg Gothic Gathering -08
Open: 20-02.30
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: 23.30
Door: 90 SEK
Tickets: release 1 Sept
26 July 2008
7H2008 outdoor festival
Event: Sjuhäradsfestivalen
Open: 24-26/7
Place: Sturebadet
City: Ulricehamn (S)
On stage: 00.30
Entry: 195-395 SEK
24 April 2008
Secret show
Event: Proud
Open: 19-21
Place:Majkens Fritidsgård
City: Gothenburg (S)
Door: Free entry
23 Nov 2007
Release party
Support acts: New Modern Angels, The Wedding, XORB, DJ’s JH & MINA
Event: Gothenburg Gothic Gathering
Open: 20-02
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: ?
Door: 60 SEK
24 Feb 2007
LIVE IN OSLO ”I can wait until twelve”
Other acts: The Murder Mystery (NO), Resident DJs
Event: Gotham Nights 12th anniversary
Open: 21.00
Place: John Dee
City: Oslo (NO)
On stage: 23.00
Door: 120 NOK
Video shot
15 Dec 2006
Unofficial. Dr. Arthur Krause and Fredrik ”Hell” Thell performing with some other strange people a well known X-mas song called ”Body Electric”
Event: Tomterock
Open: 19.15-23.30
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: 23.00
Door: 50 SEK
5 May 2006
Unplugged for the first time.
Event: 99festival Malmö
Open: 21.00-03.00
Place: Panora
City: Malmö (S)
On stage: ?
Door: The tickets are very limited so if you want to buy
please use the messageboard or mail at the contact page and we
send you more information how to buy… mark the message
26 March 2006
New songs first time live from the forthcoming album.
Headline acts: Dr. Arthur Krause & Cheshire Cat, special guests: The Wedding
Event: Club Centurion
Open: 19.00-23.00
Place: Rio Rio, Rosenlundskanalen
City: Gothenburg (S)
On stage: 22.00 (The Wedding starts at 20.00)
Door: 60 SEK
24 September 2005
First time live in Norrköping
City: Norrköping (S)
Event: Kulturnatten nemcom
Place: Kulturkammaren
Open: ca 16.45-01.00
On stage: around 22.30
Door: 60 SEK
– G.A.S. Stage –
17:30 Kontraband
18:30 Polish Inn
19.30 Cheshire Cat
20.30 Psyjuntan
21.30 New Modern Angels
22.30 Dr. Arthur Krause
23.30 Thermostatic
00.30 GOTO80
– Dill Lounge –
17.00 Xorb
18.00 jgb
19.00 Daniel Araya
20.00 Arete
21.00 Madah
22.00 Daniel Mass & co-ed
23.00 el
00.00 Amaurot
Photos by Linnéa Brun
Photos by Rizzo
4 June 2005
First gig with some the new member Fredrik ”Hell Thell” on guitar in the Dr Ak band
14.00 Volantiz
14.55 New Modern Angels
15.35 Schirm
16.25 Slem
17.10 kontraband
17.45 MaDah
18.30 xorb
19.10 Jens Lekman
19.45 Pretorium
20.30 enapa
21.15 sis&pussy
22.00 Cheshire Cat
22.45 reSet
23.30 Oklahoma Beach Sex Club
00.15 Dr. Arthur Krause
01.10 Jens Kallback
City: Gothenburg (S)
Event: 99Festival
Open: 14.00-02.00
On stage: around 00.15 night time
Door: You have to buy tickets before the festival. Contact 99Festival for more info.
25 March 2005
You will be able to buy our albums this night and The Lady is back with us on stage again.
Supported by Nikator
Place: Folketspark, Södra Vägen
City: Kalmar (S)
Club: Club Void
Open: 21.00-02.00
On stage: around 23.00
Door: dresscode and membership needed, entry 60 SEK
For a membership please contact Club Void at www.turbine.nu
26 April 2004
The lady will perform a solo show.
Place: The Geese, Southover street
City: Brighton (UK)
On stage: 21.30
Door: FREE
6th February 2004
You will be able to buy the debut album this night.
Place:Deep, Amiralsgatan 20
City: Malmö, (S)
Open: 23.00-03.00
On stage: around 00.30
Door: 60 SEK
26th April 2003
Pleased to be back!
We support Inkubus Sukkubus
Place: Cronan, Norra Hamngatan 10
City: Gothenburg, (S)
Club: Pandemonium
Open: 21.00-03.00
On stage: around 22.00
Door: 150 SEK
13th Dec 2002
The Doc and The lady will appear on stage together
with memebers from GBG PUNX, SVENSON and more,
performance a X-mas song
Place: Musikens Hus
City: Gothenburg, (S)
Event: Tomterock
Time: 19.00-24.00
Door: 50 SEK
16th March 2002
Place: Krunch (Rock ama´r), Øresundsvej 14
City: Copenhagen, (DK)
Club: The Black Cat
Time: 22.00-05.00
Door: 50 DKR
The evening will be dressed in SMOKE, STROBES,
distant desperate cries from the wilderness and atmospheric
gothic rock with a voice from beyond the Holocaust when
we present Dr. Arthur Krause from Gothenborg in Sweden.
These people are very inspired by the (one and only)
Sisters of Mercy, the (late, great) Joy Division and
(our favourite spaghetti western heroes in) Fieldsof the
Nephilim. Dr. Arhtur Krause is clearly to be seperated from
any wanna-be´s and copy-acts as their music is both paying
respects to the ”elders” and innovating their own personal
style of slow atmospheric gothic-rock with electronic
components in it as well / Frode – The Black Cat
3th November 2001
City: Mariestad
29th September 2001
Place: Cronan, Norra Hamngatan 10
City: Gothenburg
Club: Pandemonium
Open: 21.00-03.00
On stage: around 00.00
Special guest: Run Level Zero